They could use some cash

My fellow hybridized African brethren Uchenna and Denis are in the process of trying to make their dream come true by writing, producing and directing a movie in Nigeria. Sadly they are out of cash and not done yet so I’m lending my support to the drive.

Anyone who feels like being generous can send cash by paypal to Otherwise you can leave a comment and we can work out alternate arrangements.

This is not bogus people. I wouldn’t ask except these two are trying to do something great and it needs a chance to grow. Don’t take my word for it. Check out their blogs and see what they have to say for themselves. Besides, how often will you get to say you legitimately sent money to Nigeria (Just jokes my naija people. Please don’t kill me)

PS. There’s a backlog of posts I need to get up. More coming soon

4 Comments on “They could use some cash”

  1. Mushtaq Ali says:

    I used to love watching Nigerian movies in when I was in Arusha. All the witchcraft and the like was a lot of fun.

  2. Kwasi says:

    Yeah, they are great fun. Here we get them on TV all the time.

    Plus they are making the local film industry sit up and actually be competitive, which is nice–>

  3. […] PS. There’s a backlog of posts I need to get up. More coming soon Posted by kwasiVery interesting.Link to original article […]

  4. Hahaha….your joke is well taken, my brother. Off to check their blogs. This post is over a year old, have they completed their film, yet?

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